| 1. | On the artistic etyle of pottery figurine in han dynasty 浅析浪漫写意的汉陶俑艺术 |
| 2. | Several pottery figurines unearthed in jiyuan , henan province 河南济源出土的几件釉陶俑 |
| 3. | Topic : life of women in the tang dynasty as revealed by excavated pottery figurines 题目:淡妆浓抹总相宜-从陶俑看唐代妇女生活 |
| 4. | From peking university s school of archaeology museology will speak at the university of hong kong tomorrow 26 oct 2006 on " life of women in the tang dynasty as revealed by excavated pottery figurines " 唐代人则以肥为美,与现今港人的审美观大相迳庭。美女此一观念在中国历史上如何转变?古代妇女生活与今人又有何不同? |
| 5. | Notes that a number of craftsmen and concubines who had not borne any children were buried alive when qin shi huang was entombed . the practice of using pottery figurines and horses also served to satisfy his desire 兵马俑的高大写实,在一定程度上反映了他既要用假人新观念的要求,又要尽量满足真人殉葬旧观念的要求的欲望。 |
| 6. | A number of precious historical relics , such as an iron bell cast in the 38th year of emperor qianlong , an altar built in the 14th year of emperor guangxu and many pottery figurines of the qing dynasty are kept in the temple 该庙至今仍保存不少珍贵的历史文物。如乾隆三十八年铸造的一口铁钟、光绪十四年制造的祭坛和清朝期间的陶塑等。 |